All International Students Can Take These Online Classes
100% English (with Chinese subtitles), 100% Online, No Exams, at NCHU
Fall Semester
Commercial Negotiation 商業談判 2224
If you want to learn how to negotiate, and improve your skills like business English listening, speaking, and writing, this skills-based class is perfect.
This is a distance education class, which means ALL of our classes and work will be totally online.
On your own, you watch lecture videos, you can watch from home. Then you take an online Quiz. Next you complete a business writing assignment that is also online, and I then give you personalized feedback online.
In groups we play an RPG (role playing game) simulation, where groups act as companies and have products, prices, quality, production and purchase targets, etc. All negotiations are free to be performed as students like, outside of the classroom, but all negotiation deals are submitted online through a Deal Report, which results in scores generated to show how good a deal each group has made.
This all means you need to be independent and motivated. The benefit is you complete work on your own time at your own convenience.
You need to be ready to perform all tasks online. There is no midterm or final exam.
Contemporary English Thesis Writing & Presentation 當代英文論文寫作與簡報 5114(學碩合開課程)
This is a distance education class, which means our classes and work will be totally online. Lectures are videos you can watch from home. Quizzes are online. Writing assignments are online, and all the teacher feedback is online.
The group component of this class (Class Type A) is to practice presentations (three times), where groups act as company employees making presentations in English. Practice presentations are video recorded in the NCHU Marketing Department Media Lab (room 820 in the Social Science & Management building on campus).
Class Type B has NO group work and more writing assignments and quizzes.
This all means you need to be independent and motivated. The benefit is you complete work on your own time at your own convenience.
You need to be ready to perform all tasks online. There is no midterm or final exams.